Astrological forecast for August

August promises to be one of the most significant and challenging months this year.

Our motto

Dare to dream big!

From an astrological point of view, the month can be divided into three parts.

The first third roughly falls on the first ten days, followed by the middle third, the next ten days, - the most significant and unexpected events will take place there; - and then the last third manifests as conductive energies.

But let's look at it in order.

First third:

Right at the beginning of the month, we open with a New Moon in Leo, which will be completed on the 4th, but will make its impact felt a few days before. The Sun has been in the zodiac sign of Leo for more than a week, the Moon will join it as well, I will write about this New Moon in detail in the next few days.

 In any case, we can start the first third of the month in a lighter mood, with the energies of the New Moon, our creative ideas can be strengthened. We may even be prone to the grandiose planning that is so characteristic of Leo energy. This is ensured by Jupiter's sextile to the Sun-Moon conjunction. We can feel strong and invincible.

Our motto could be: Dare to dream big!

Our communication skills can also be activated, and we can gain new insights and broaden our point of view.

Venus also changes signs at the very beginning of the month, on August 5th it leaves Leo and moves into the sign of Virgo. It will also be visible as an evening star in the evening sky immediately after sunset.  Venus in Virgo manifests a much more earthy, refined, restrained energy. A period of emotional organization and inner purification. We can put our emotions in order, our emotional attitude towards ourselves and our environment.


It will also be visible as an evening star in the evening sky

Mercury returns to retrograde on the 4th, we often hear that when Mercury is retrograde it is not suitable for us to make decisions or travel, we must pay attention to traffic, communication, signing contracts, etc.

So, if possible, don't make final decisions yet, don't fix agreements. Not until mid-September.

However, this period is excellent for discovering our inner world, for inner examination, for organizing our thoughts and emotions, and for solving our negative thought patterns. This retrograde period is excellent for therapy and various release methods, kinesiology, theta healing, and energetic release.

Mercury will be in apparent retrograde motion in the sky until the end of the month, until the 27th, and will only turn direct on the 28th. So the whole month is covered by its retrograde cycle.


Second third:

One of the decisive and long-lasting aspect of the month, -which will be felt from the 10th- and due to their forward-backwards movement, will be present in the sky for almost 9 months, none other than the two planets of Fate, the Great Fortune and the planet of Great Misfortune connection.

The energy of this influences the mood for a large part of the month. Saturn will square Jupiter, that is, they will be 90 degrees from each other, which will cause them to be in tension.

Since Saturn is in retrograde motion, this is an approaching aspect connection and will exert its influence more and more as time goes on. This is enhanced when Mars reaches Jupiter and they are in a so-called conjunction. This will happen on August 14th.

Saturn vs Jupiter

the two planets of Fate, the planet of Great Fortune and the planet of Great Misfortune.

Mars - Jupiter in the sign of Gemini radiates a lot of dynamics in itself, both on a world level and on an individual level, we can feel that things will start, with great momentum, energy, maybe big words and plans can characterise this period.

It will be worth observing in a global context how this energy will manifest.

What large-scale goals and promises are made?

However, let's not trust ourselves too much, because Saturn pulls on the handbrake with its square, and it is questionable to what extent it will allow these big plans and big promises to be realized.

We can easily find ourselves in "much ado about nothing" states of consciousness. Great momentum, then nothing comes of it, the balloon bursts.

Jupiter, as the representative of Truth, Law, Morality, is in an exiled position in the sign of Gemini, so in a weaker state, this is what Saturn is straining for him, as responsibility, petrification, Autocracy, do not be surprised if we encounter simplicity, cut-through, empty promises, or even with corruption, copying, and distorting news.

Justice Tarot





So let's treat everything anyone says or promises us during this period with reservations. But even our own ideas, we examine our plans to see how feasible they are, how realistic they are, or how far they are just ideas.

Retrograde Mercury is also connected to this position with a genius aspect, so we can have brilliant ideas that are a bit stiff and difficult to implement, although working on a spiritual level, we can implement solutions that look back to the past with resounding success, we can overwrite and heal our past wounds.

On August 17th, between Uranus and Mercury Retrograde, which has moved back into Leo, we get a very precise square, which means that all our old, outdated thought patterns that no longer serve our interests can now be dissolved with liberating energies.

Let's be careful about our sudden and thoughtless words, they can lead to unexpected actions, we can accumulate mistakes, and we can even hurt others.

The energies of boasting and making promises should also be handled carefully during this period.

Don't recklessly promise something you can't keep.

It can cause IT and technological problems on a mundane level, and there may be outages or problems related to the Internet.

With these intense energies, we arrive at the first Full Moon of the month, which is completed on August 19.

Aquarius Full Moon

brings suddenness, an unexpected turn

By definition, after two consecutive Capricorn Full Moons, an Aquarius Full Moon will follow, the Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius, and the Sun, on the other hand, will be in Leo.

This Full Moon carries quite heavy energies, precisely because the Sun will be at the 26th degree together with retrograde Mercury in Leo, forming a T-square with Uranus at the 27th degree in Taurus, - the Moon opposing the Sun against the In Aquarius, this is how the T square comes out.

It is difficult to predict what this position may bring, because of Uranus, certainly a suddenness, an unexpected turn, in the area of ​​life where the axis of the Full Moon falls in our individual chart.

At the same time, there is also the Jupiter - Mars conjunction that will come into focus a few days before, which will form an exact T square with Venus and Saturn.

Whatever energies there will be around us and on a global level, situations may intensify, and not necessarily in a positive sense.

Let's be alert and thoughtful, don't schedule important dates and events for this week, so from approximately the 14th to the 20th, we are looking forward to a significant period full of challenges and unexpected turns.

It is worth checking individually which planets and areas of life are affected on an individual level and where we need to be extra careful.

Third third:

Arriving in the third third after the 22nd, if we have survived the energies of the Full Moon, we can breathe a little and relax.

On the 22nd, the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo, on the 28th, Mercury becomes stationary and begins to move directly, on the 29th, Venus moves into the sign of Libra.


This week, we can feel that we are relieved and more likely we are on a straight track.

If we have survived the illusions, false dreams and protected ourselves from becoming victims in whatever way, no matter who crosses our path, then this week we can start implementation and active action towards autumn’s energies.

I wish everyone an easy summer for the month of August!

I will definitely come with two more blogs, at New Moon and Full Moon.

Until then, keep going!


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