Mini Packages
How our traumas affect our lives and what solutions I offer!
Trauma is the stress reaction that appears in our lives after an event that was triggered by another event that happened in the past.
This is what we call trauma.
We can be traumatized by anything that hits us suddenly, unexpectedly, and causes a strong emotional reaction in us. But it is also possible that we are witnesses to things that do not directly affect us and that they are deeply absorbed in us, say we read them or saw them somewhere. This can also trigger an emotional response from us.
I would summarize by saying that any situation can be traumatic for us, which is something that does not fit into our emotional system or worldview.
Many people think of big things when they talk about trauma, such as living in a war zone, experiencing accidents, or experiencing a crime. However, most people can be traumatized by much smaller things.
It can be childhood experiences, caused by parents, or caused by the absence of a parent, or even something that happened to us at school or in communities that left a mark on us.
We don't even remember childhood traumas with our conscious mind, but the subconscious has stored our emotional reaction, and similar situations, smells, words, sounds, people, etc. can trigger the activation of the feelings that we felt then. This is the traumatic response reaction, essentially we are reliving that unprocessed memory.
All this is repeated until we bring these feelings and memories to the surface and release them from ourselves.
It may happen that they are connected by several traumas, and in a chain reaction, one causes the other.
Our energy body stores a lot of trauma that we don't even know about. These traumas can be trans-generational memories that we inherited from our ancestors, that is, the trauma did not happen to us, but to our great-grandmother, but we genetically inherited the imprint of it and now it affects our lives and our decisions.
We may also have traumas from a previous life, which are also energetically connected to us and influence our current life, in the form of fears, phobias, and anxieties.
But let's see what symptoms it can cause:
-Inexplicable anxiety and fear of certain things, situations, and future events.
-anxiety and fears that come upon us for no apparent reason
- depressive mood swings
-nightmares, fear of falling asleep
-sleeplessness, insomnia
- panic, stress
-bursts of frustration, anger, rage, tantrums for no reason,
- or what is triggered by a spoken word, or a situation, types of people, events
-we don't feel safe, constant anxiety, fear that something bad might happen
- escaping or avoiding certain situations and places
- feeling of isolation, loneliness
-feeling of disconnection
-a feeling of not being understood
- identity crises
-rejecting our gender, not experiencing it
-sexual disorders, fear of intimacy
- fear, anxiety, or rejection of the opposite sex
-emotionally avoidant behavior
-anxious attachment behavior
- fear of abandonment and loneliness
- post-surgery stress, feeling of shock, feeling of lack
- breaking out of oppressive feelings, inexplicable dread or a feeling of remorse
-feelings of shame
If some or more of these are true, then it is likely that we are reacting to a traumatic situation. (most of us have countless of these in a milder or more serious form, because we live and experience)
Most therapeutic treatments fail when, for example, They begin to treat and resolve the anxiety, rather than the event that caused this emotional reaction in the first place.
Anxiety is treated as a disease, but the main event that triggered it, it is untreated and there is still there in your subconscious. And it gets triggered again and again.
It is worth finding the root cause that triggered this response reaction in the first place. If we eliminate this, dissolve it, then all our other traumatic response reactions are also healed, which is already the consequence, the main root cause.
We can achieve breakthrough results with theta healing and energetic healing. For this reason, I have developed various therapy packages that are specifically aimed at these traumatic experiences.
Of course, we don't do miracles in one go, since the development of our post-traumatic reactions took time, so discovering and releasing them is not a quick process either. However, it is not impossible.
I tried to combine the packages with a holistic, multi-level therapeutic plan, which I put together through mediation and intuition.
So, it is a unique and individually developed thematic program that no one else only me uses in this form.
This includes energetic healing, uncovering subconscious blocks, overwriting belief systems, energy and frequency healing, Chakra cleansing.
Since these traumas are not stored only on one level in the body, it is not enough just to talk about the problem, but it is also necessary to heal at the cell level and vibrational level, in the same way as overwriting the subconscious programs.
Each trauma, with a -so-called- trauma cord connecting to us and with that cord get fed from our energetic field.
Mapping and systematically untangling and solving them is a process that takes quite a few sessions.
So a detailed description of these packages can be found below.
Package 1.
PTSD traumatic attachment
few examples:
-feeling unconnected, emptiness (absents of a mother, drunken parents)
- emotional anxiaty
-anxious attachment (trying to attach to everyone in order to feel safe)
- disillusionment and burning out
- mother"‘s father’s wound
-emotionally avoidant behaviour
-trauma of a distressed event in past
-abuse, domestic violent, etc
Package 2.
Feeling of loneliness, disconnection, alienation from the community, feeling of isolation
- exclusion from society
- feeling of isolation, loneliness
- can't connect to others
-lack of soul mates
- I feel like I'm out of place
Package 3.
painful-heart, rejection,
- dismissal,
-wasn't admitted to school,
-failing exams,
-expelled from school
-not hired for a job, fired from a job
- love life: break ups, grief, loss
-never had any love (platonic love)
- the heartache of the person who rejects. (and felt remorse) it creates a traumatic bond to them who got rejected,
-not able to say “no”
Package 4.
Resolving the trauma of those who have undergone surgery or illnesses
What does an operation mean from a spiritual point of view, and what is its emotional background?
-loosing part of the body
-loosing fertility, femininity, masculinity
-going through serious illness
-experiencing death
-facing vulnerability
-beauty, cosmetically differences, like loosing hair, shape, etc.
Package 5
eating disorders, self-image disorder
-eating disorders
-trauma resulting from limited mobility
Package 6
3 private Sound Bowl Therapies
Creating Spiritual and Emotional Peace
-Elimination of toxic thoughts and frequency healing on Heart and Soul levels
Themes of Healing
1st Session
Energy body harmonisation
-Reiki energy healing, Chakra harmonisation
- unblocking beliefs, past traumas
-Short meditation for Emotional Peace
2nd Session
Soul body healing
-Healing with frequencies. Sound bowl therapy
-Soul energy unification meditation
3rd Session
Achieving emotional well-being
-requesting energy protections
- cleaning stress
- creating a general well-being feeling
-unblocking beliefs, unconcious programs
4th Session
Cutting and cleaning traumatic cords from chakras
- cleansing of feelings and relationships
-cleansing blocked chakras