Full Moon in Taurus

It strikes where our insecurity is greatest


15.11.2024 22.28. the exact time.

We can experience the transformative power of the Full Moon in Taurus , with unexpected situations that force us to be renewed

Sorry for the dramatic title, but I couldn't express the power of this full moon energy more subtly.

This Full Moon now brings up a very important issue. In the sign of Taurus, our stability, security, self-confidence, and belief systems are put to the test.

Everything that means safety and stability to us, be it physical or emotional safety, fundamentally shakes these topics.

By connecting the axes of the 4th - 10th house, it triggers long-held feelings, faith and trust on deep spiritual levels, as well as in family patterns.

The energies of the Full Moon are heightened by the fact that the Moon is conjunct Retrograde Uranus at 25 degrees 17 minutes, and all within 1 degree of the fixed star Algol. What you should know about Algol is that its mythological figure carries the energies of Medusa, the snake-headed monster who freezes anyone who dares to look at it.

Uranus creates sudden, unexpected turns in our lives that prompt us to review and transform. This combo suggests that on deep psychological levels, even on transgenerational levels, it can bring to the surface any subconsciousness blocks in us that have been buried in us for a very long time, and we have chosen not to look into them deeper. The reason can be a fear, feelings of insecurity, trust issues in others or in our own values, or any issues on the material levels.

Unexpected events can escalate now that shake our faith in the Creator, in the outside world, in human relationships, and last but not least in ourselves. Depending on which house of the chart or planets this Full Moon activates, it will bring to the surface issues related to trust and stability.


A complete change of our inner system is necessary

Don't be surprised if topics related to trust and faith are fundamentally questioned in our lives, if events occur that fundamentally move us out of our stability and self-confidence.

Things emerge and surface because we have the seeds of conflict and stagnation within ourselves. Everything which we have not yet healed in ourselves could activate now.

Don't be surprised if these are feelings rooted in us that we have suppressed for a long time and may not even be aware of.

Before we react to them out of pain, let's examine what this is about now, what does it want to show us?

With Saturn in Pisces at the cusp of the 8th house and Neptune in Pisces also in the same house, now is a good time to work on these subconscious fears and finally be able to overcome them by closing a karmic cycle. A complete inner change is necessary in order to be able to collaborate with the new energies promised by Pluto moving into Aquarius on November 20.

But this is only possible if we manage to bring our darkest fears to the surface and work on them. Don't be surprised if external situations activate them, and above all, don't suppress your insecure feelings that arise from deep inside. It’s time for healing.

The North Node in Aries, on the cusp of the 9th house, shows that it is time to start a new cycle at the level of ideas and belief systems.

The energy of Capricorn Venus, which is at the top of the square triangle, in the house of creativity and self-confidence, helps to solve this.

We can use our creative power to strengthen our faith in ourselves and others on the physical level too. With slow but persistent work, step by step we will be able to fulfil them.

Divine Truths

Jupiter between the horns of the Taurus constellation, - raised to the Milky Way - gives insight into the calling of higher Divine truths

The Jupiter-Mercury opposition on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, which is in an exchange of dominance with each other, teaches each other to see the polarity of the truths in every situation, the individual truth of each participant, and on the other hand, we now have the opportunity to understand faith and the ultimate Divine truths at deeper levels of consciousness .

And Ascendant in Leo points out that we are now given the opportunity to see these inner reactions with the help of the power of the Moon and to overcome and take back control over our fears and subconscious wounds, so that we can reach a more protected, mentally and emotionally stable state.

Constellation of Ophiuchus

presence of healing energies

The Sun has already entered the energy system of the constellation of Ophiuchus, which means the healing period has began, while Jupiter between the horns of the constellation of Taurus - raised to the Milky Way - allows us to see the calling of higher Divine truths, and the constellation of Nimrod, the Sacred Ruler, awakens its ability in us , to take back the control of our suppressed and damaged sacred forces in certain areas of our lives, thereby becoming the sacred rulers of our own lives.

Full Moon in Taurus Space - Time Mundane Chart

I wish everyone a powerful and healing Full Moon energy for this week!




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