New Moon in Leo
The period of Shining
New Moon In Leo
higher order of radiance and warmth are concentrated in the house of Divinity.
The New Moon, which determines the whole month energetically, will be exact on August 4th at 1:13 p.m.
The Sun and the Moon also unite in the sign of Leo near the cusp of the Mc house in the 9th house. Energies of a higher order of radiance and warmth are concentrated in the house of Divinity.
Our self-knowledge, self-evaluation, and self-love programs are on the table in a higher perspective.
How can we shine and make others shine?
Do we allow ourselves the opportunity to excel in any area of life in which we can be better than others, in which we can excel?
It may happen that we have to stand in our strength and find courage to assume our leadership skills, - (our brilliance) - in certain stages and areas of our lives.
The Sun-Moon conjunction appears in the constellation Cancer, which represents the energies of family, roots, and our past, and the scissors of Cancer symbolize that it is time to cut off, to cut off all those ties that drag us back to the past, which still bind us in knots at transgenerational levels , they prevent us from being able to live and express our full potential in the thread of our lives.
Whatever restraining force binds us, now with the energies of the New Moon we can loosen it, cut it off, so that we can tackle our life tasks.
Venus - Regulus conjunction
Venus, the planet of love, emotional connection, artistry, and style, is now in Leo very close to the star Regulus, which is a royal star and symbolizes leadership, courage, and success.
So, it calls your attention to how we can manifest and increase our inner strength, override our self-love-blocking programs and activate our self-esteem and self-worth on this New Moon.
Venus - Regulus conjunction
override our self-love-blocking programs and activate our self-esteem and self-worth
The intensified Leo energies can make us ambitious to live pleasant emotional states imbued with warmth and show our generosity towards our environment.
We can desire for the closeness of our loved ones, for a pleasant, quality time, - also for luxury, quality lifestyle experience - everything that is a Leo analogy.
For this, we get a huge boost with a sextile from the broad Jupiter-Mars conjunction in the 8th house. This sextile can bring supporting energies even from our own subconscious, in the form of secret messages that help us to rise spiritually now, this conjunction is located at the horns of the Taurus constellation, which also has an uplifting effect.
The 8th house is also the house of letting go, the subconscious, and secrets.
Therefore, everything that deals with the subconscious and deep psychology, such as books, videos, people, and therapies, can help us to recognise and call out from our subconscious all the patterns that hinder us from experiencing a heightened state of consciousness.
Spiritual messages can also come from higher spheres, even in the form of dreams.
Scorpio Ascendant
All of this is confirmed by the Ascendant of the space-time moment in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, one of its lords, Mars, is in the 8th house, so it shows us the analogies of spirituality, secrets, and the subconscious, and another transcendent lord, Pluto, is in the 3rd house can be found, the reformation and transformation of our thought patterns and communication is on the stage.
A completely new perspective and thinking are being in transformation
The other aspect of the New Moon is the magical genius aspect that comes from Uranus, which is still conjunct the star Algol, or Medusa, in the 7th house.
Brilliant ideas and liberating energies that help and support our renewal can come from the outside world, from our social connections, from our partner.
We can put our relationships on a new foundation.
Renewal energy appears in our relationships
Finally, mention should also be made of one of the defining aspect of the month, which is between the two planets of Destiny. Saturn retreats back to the 4th house, i.e. to our roots, our past, our family heritage, it does all this in the zodiac sign of Pisces at the moment of the New Moon space - time moment, at the part of the Aquarius constellation that pours water on the earth, which for me suggests that we
let's make it clear, let's wash away our karmic burdens from the past.
Now there is an opportunity to purify ourselves, to level up, we can let go karma that we have already learned and fulfilled so that they no longer hinder us from fulfilling our destiny.
I wish everyone a creative time, renewing relationships, and a self-fulfilling New Moon for the weekend!
If we can, let's experience (self) love in a Leo way, majestically, creatively!
Let's spend as much time as possible with our loved ones and manifest our plans at higher levels as well!