Taurus New Moon

Renewal, Creation and Material Manifestation

The New Moon in Taurus at 5:22 a.m. on the 8th of May, which falls on the Taurus Ascendant, is of great help to us at the moment of space-time, so that complete renewal can take place on a physical level, and we are able to manifest our spiritual thoughts and ideas by pouring them into physical forms.

In addition to physical renewal, this Taurus New Moon in the constellation Aries is facilitated by our forerunner in the material, with the supporting energies of the new beginning.

The increasingly distant but still conjunct Uranus-Jupiter is in the Taurus zodiac, in the transition between the constellations Aries-Taurus.

The two giant planets with the New Moon, the suddenly manifesting Divine spark, and the planet of Great Luck in the creative sign further increase our possibilities, so that we can now easily call our unique ideas into the material and manifest them.

Whether it is the renewal of our human relationships or the creation of new relationships, which can bring us abundance both on the physical and material level, and through connections that facilitate the realization of our dreams.

Venus in Taurus serves these renewals of our relationships or the creation of new relationships, but at the same time, our artistic inclinations and life experiences can also be strengthened during this period. Maybe we spend more time in nature, or we find joy in gardening, or maybe we become more active and creative in the kitchen.

In addition to renewing our relationships, we can also heal our subconscious programs and communication wounds during the New Moon period.

Kairon still stands together with Mercury, which in the meantime moves forward from Retrograde, which saves us from the communication challenges arising from our karmic wounds. All of this is in a star pattern on the thread of the returning fish, so we can find ourselves in back-and-forth situations, where we get the opportunity to improve our communication skills, and where we can refine our communication problems and excesses committed in the past.

Where did we not stand up for ourselves enough or in what situations were we too violent and hurt others?

Life now offers us the opportunity to repair these karmic wounds, so that we can place our relationships from the past on new values and foundations, we can clarify our perceptions or correct our old communication patterns by creating similar situations.

All this in the 12th house, which also makes it possible to review our subconscious programs and transgenerational patterns.

In the same place, with Mars entering Aries, we complete the closing of a two-year cycle, and in fiery Aries, Mars can move forward with renewed strength, as far as actions are concerned.

Although it is still located in the star constellation of the returning fish, with which we can take a last look at the events of the recent past, thereby deducting the consequences of past events, which we can integrate into our spiritual development.

Mars, receiving a supportive sextile angle from Aquarius Pluto, can further strengthen our willpower to bring about realization on the earthly plane.

The sextile of Saturn in the Zodiac of Pisces also promotes the energies of the creative Taurus New Moon, which calls down into matter and binds and shapes it. In other words, what we want to manifest and realize now on a physical level will certainly result in long-term and durable projects.

This Saturn is located under the star constellation of water pouring hand into the future of Aquarius, that is, a period of complete renewal and spiritual cleansing from our past and no longer valid karmic burdens.

With love

S. N.


Jupiter in Gemini
