Aries Full Moon

The current Full Moon on October 17 at 1:26 p.m. has two defining aspects. One is the T square of Mars to the Full Moon and the other is the opposition of Uranus to Venus.

The Moon, imbued with Aries energy, carries the new starting point and the possibility of a new beginning during the autumn period.

Venus is at the last degree of Scorpio, the so-called anaretic degree, at the scissors of the constellation Scorpio and the head of the serpent of the constellation Serpent.

We have to get out of emotional stagnation, we live in a time of renewal of emotional qualities where the old emotional patterns are finally closed and abandoned.

In this Full Moon, everything comes to light that we couldn't leave behind emotionally for a very long time, and which consciously or subconsciously constantly returned.

It must have happened to you that you felt in a situation or in an emotional state, that you had already managed to overcome it, leave it behind you, and then out of nowhere, a similar situation or an emotional pattern returns and evokes the same thing in you you thought you had it down once.

 This can be depressing, we can feel that we are working on ourselves unsuccessfully if we find ourselves faced with the same thing over and over again, which provokes the same reaction from us.

In fact, it is a matter of now bringing out from deeper layers the pattern that we have already successfully released from ourselves on other levels of consciousness.

There is still a tiny germ of it embedded in us at deeper levels, from which the whole emotional stuckness is fed.

In such cases, our Higher Self creates again and again those situations that we thought we had already solved, encouraging us to be able to weed out these over-carrying wounds from the roots, even at deeper levels.

The Full Moon is conjunct Kairon; - with the planet representing our karmic wounds, and with Eris, the Goddess of discord, all in the 3rd house of life, where our thought patterns come into focus. This is only enhanced by the currently sensitive and emotionally overheated fiery planet, Mars in Cancer, as a hard aspect from the house of the outside world or our social relationships.

Relationship alchemy

In the month of Libra, the focus is on deepening and raising partner relationships to a higher level.

This is one of the most significant energy patterns of the Aries Full Moon, and it shows that those situations in our relationships that trigger long-held karmic wounds that we have not yet managed to resolve, but can now be healed.

We may feel that the conflicts come from the outside world or from our partner, but it is actually a reflection of the emotional repressions and internal conflicts that are strained within us on the physical plane.

Everything that we haven't processed in its roots can come to the surface this week. We can question not only our relationships, but also our own feelings.

Eris promises that no emotional suppression will be left under the rug, while Kairon gives us the opportunity to resolve and heal these grievances.

Venus in the last degree of anaretic in the zodiac sign of Scorpio suggests that it is time to bring our hidden, repressed emotions to the surface. And the scissors of the Scorpio constellation help to get rid of them, karmic release, we can almost cut these deep emotional threads that reach into the past.

And the main axe is pointing to Mars, which encourages action motivated by emotions, dare to act according to our heart, our intuition, in the Gemini constellation it always shows polarity, - Seasoned with the energies of brotherly competition, - the mortal and the immortal, the truth multiple points of view . Standing together with the fixed star Polux, the emphasis will be on the divine quality of immortality.

Our task to be solved is to understand the polar nature of things, to understand the other's point of view by putting ourselves in the other party's position, we can see the driving force of his operation and thereby gain a kind of understanding that brings us the solution and healing.

This analogy is reinforced by Jupiter in Gemini with a supportive aspect to the Full Moon, where it also focuses on multiple approaches to truth.

Jupiter, the planet of Justice, held in the horns of Taurus pointing to the gate of the Milky Way, also helps us to be able to see the events of our lives from a higher, divine perspective, from divine justice.

Jupiter is clearly visible between the horns of the constellation Taurus during the week and looks directly at the Milky Way, which always lends us higher truths and divine perspectives.

Opposite the Full Moon, the Sun moving in Libra meets the asteroid Juno, illuminating our relationship systems in a space-time moment, all at the foot of the constellation Virgo entering the future. The possibility of deeper engagement in our relationships may develop in the future.

Juno is when the cross of matter is ruled by Venusian love. The institution of marriage can only be fulfilled based on mutual love.  

According to mythology, it represents the wife of Zeus, the Goddess Hera, the official consort.  

The alpha star of the Virgo constellation, Spica, is reached by the Sun-Juno, opening the angelic dimension gates and angelic qualities, with which we can see and understand our relationships from a higher directorial principle, thereby gaining a deeper understanding in our actions.

Spica is the brightest star of the Virgo constellation, and also the angelic dimension gate.

The solution point of the chart, Mc, being in the sign of Scorpio, also supports immersion, striving towards spirituality.

Capricorn Ascendant and Pluto in the anaretic degree, which is turning direct and is slowly leaving Capricorn for good, in first house indicate that we are living the penultimate moments of the breakdown of an old system, the transformation of which we were also part of, and now using the lifting power of the constellation of the Eagle, we can transform towards a divine, higher quality. 

Therefore, the Aries Full Moon, due to its location in the part of the Pisces constellation with the upwards swimming fish, also embodies for the soul the aspiration towards higher worlds and divine qualities.

The Moon, imbued with Aries energy, carries the new starting point and the possibility of a new beginning during the autumn period.

I wish everyone a wonderful Aries Full Moon, renewal, closure and experiencing higher levels of consciousness!

Aries Full Moon chart complete with star constellations and fixed stars.



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