September forecast

Starting in the month of September, Uranus will also join the Retrograde planets, and with this all the slow-moving planets will make a retrograde motion during the autumn period. This also strengthens their effect on the inner level.

And Pluto will retrograde into Capricorn for the last time at almost the same moment, reaching the last degree of Capricorn again, before finally entering the zodiac sign of Aquarius in November. This gives us the last chance to transform our outdated and less valid family and subconscious structures, which will allow us to enter the reform age of Pluto in Aquarius.

In addition to Pluto, Mars also changes signs and enters the sign of Cancer, where our emotions will effect the planet of action, power and desire. The topics of family and care come to the fore as a defining energy in the manifestation of our actions. We act from emotion, we can be much more socially sensitive during this period. The energies of doing for others are stronger than putting our own goals first.

school time will start soon

With Cancer Mars and Virgo energies, everyday family tasks come to the fore

At the beginning of the week, at the Mars Neptune square, the subject of misleading is still around. Also, we can’t see always clearly the intentions of others - or ourselves - and the driving force behind the actions. It can also feel like we're groping in the dark and can't see clearly how to resolve a situation.

The energies of Virgo New Moon in the 3rd house, the connection of Sun and Moon in the sign of Virgo, form an aspect to Mars in Cancer, help us sorting things out with family members. This includes the multitude of tasks typical for the beginning of September, starting with school and work.

The family patterns we have worked on spiritually can now bear fruit. Harvest time has come. At the time of the New Moon, Saturn from Pisces joins with an opposition, which still brings a review of our victim roles, especially within the family, as a topic to be resolved. On the occasion of the New Moon, it is also worth focusing on this topic.

Let's ask the question, how far can we keep our care within a healthy framework, or how far does it turn into self-sacrifice?

How emotional do we react to situations? How caught up in our emotional reactions are we?

It's harvest time

Now we can reap the fruits of our labor and prepare for winter

Mercury changes signs on the 9th and enters analytical Virgo and sextiles emotional Mars, so is this a great week to examine our emotional reactions?

Also, let's bring a little regularity, logic, rationality, and sanity to our emotional reactions.

Mercury is still in a square with Uranus, which warns us to be careful with sudden ideas and with our spoken words, because they can have a little edge and we can hurt others with them. At the same time, we can receive unexpected news that stirs up the stagnant water around us, or things that we did not expect come to our attention.

This week, the Sun-Saturn opposition will be decisive, Jupiter will be connected to this with a T square. This sheds light on the topic of free expression of opinion versus restrictions.

Jupiter in Gemini enhances communication, media, and information exchange, but Saturn, as a legitimate limiting force, hinders this.

Many people will monitor this with a critical eye (Sun in Virgo).

We can also feel lacking energy, as Saturn blocks the power and light of the Sun. Also limitation as an individual.

Also, Saturn Jupiter even means that we press the gas and the brake at the same time, and don't be surprised if we notice that we are not moving forward or that we are stumbling in one place. This energy can also have such a manifestation.

We are approaching the Full Moon in the third week, which will also be a partial Lunar Eclipse. This week, taking advantage of these energies, I plan to hold a renewed Sound Bath for the first time since the summer holidays.


Mercury in Virgo confronts the Lord of the Law, Saturn, which means that criticality and questioning of things may be suppressed even more this week.

We can experience a kind of restriction of freedom of speech during this period at both lower and higher levels.

With Mercury square Jupiter, we can feel that we cannot say what we think, we can experience injustices on individual and collective levels. Or dishonesty.

This is also reinforced by the Sun-Neptune opposition, when our clarity and perception are hazy and unclear, and they could hide things from us.

Autumn sound bath

This week, using the energies of the Full Moon, I plan to hold a renewed Sound bath


It enters the constellation precisely on the day of the Full Moon, so the tension can increase in us. But this position can also make us think that it is time to review our sacrificial programs with a critical eye and let them go with the help of the energies of the Full Moon.

Pay attention to illusions and self-deception, as Neptune also joins the Full Moon with a Neptune - Moon conjunction.

In addition to all this, with the Mercury - Jupiter square, the complete distortion and silence of the truth is floating in the air as a possibility.

Are we fooling ourselves or are we being fooled?

There may be slippages, distortions and non-disclosure of the truth on a collective level as well.

However, this position of the Full Moon period is very favorable for spiritual experiences.

In the last week, Venus moves into the sign of Scorpio, which has a deeper emotional world. Providing our emotions with a deeper experience, a transformational character. Pay attention to emotional manipulation, disappointments, and emotional roller coasters.

We can connect deeply emotionally with our partner and people important to us.

And finally the Sun enters the sign of Libra. Our relationships are illuminated. We may feel a greater need to connect, being in partnership, to participate in gatherings and social events. We may even want to live up to our partner or our environment and try to avoid confrontation and conflicts during this period.

Mercury in trine with Uranus, we can have great ideas, we can see things in a new perspective, renewed thinking and reform characterize the collective in the last week.

And in the second half of the week, we may notice things that change our way of seeing and our thoughts. We can influence others with our communication, Pluto trines Mercury, which in turn will change sign on the 26th and move into the more diplomatic and considered Libra.


Honesty vs. lies and reality vs. illusions will still be on stage this week. In the focus of our relationships.

I wish everyone a pleasant start to school or work, throwing ourselves into the autumn energies with renewed vigor!





Pisces Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse


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