Spirituality vs. Wokism
Or is the king naked or not?
It raises the question of how spiritual and accepting you are when you have strong opinions on certain divisive social issues.
We can see that the world has turned upside down and more and more world events are happening that were not usual until now.
Questioning thousand-year-old traditions and European values.
It is a general view that anyone who claims to be spiritual must have qualities such as modesty, kindness, acceptance, humility, helpfulness...
It is a general idea that a spiritual person only meditates in an ashram, preaches world peace, turns to all beings with love and is unconditionally accepting of everything that happens.
general view:
a spiritual person only meditates in an ashram
Someone who is spiritual cannot be rich, successful, or have an ordinary career, cannot be in a leadership role, must not go on vacations, must not have a nice house or car, must not visit exotic places, and must not have an opinion.
However, she should be selfless, humble, poor, work for free, (spiritual healing work) renounced everything, tolerant of everything, accepting.
But what does spirituality really mean?
I think spirituality is nothing but a soul mission, spiritual path.
And that starts with self-knowledge, self-identity!
What is self-identity?
When your thoughts, worldview, and actions are in harmony with your being, and you do not act out of suppression or compulsion to conform.
Can a spiritual person be successful and rich?
Yes, they can be…
Can they have opinions and beliefs?
Yes, they can have…
Spirituality vs success
Can a spiritual person be successful and rich?
The false sainthood and pseudo-spirituality begins when I present the saint and in the meantime I have not yet worked out my blockages and childhood wounds.
When I act and form an opinion out of compulsion to comply, or when I dare not form an opinion out of fear.
Because what will they think of me?
Will I seem less spiritual?
No, we do not become spiritual by remaining neutral and withdrawing ourselves from the affairs of the world.
This is also the dead end of spirituality.
Who is spiritual should endure everything, because then she will appear spiritual and holy.
Back to Wokism
Unfortunately, I see double standards as the basic ideological comparison here.
Which is that those who hold woke views can do anything, provoke, mock religions, perform satanist séances posing as art at world events such as Eurovision or the Olympic opening ceremony, they can initiate people of dubious gender identity in women's competitions.
And that's all right. (it must be)
If an average person is outraged by anything because, say, he finds these manifestations to be extreme.
(Extremism means everything that deviates from generally accepted norms.)
Then he will be called an extremist and stigmatized, shamed, and here comes the twist, he will be an extremist and exclusionary.
The world turned upside down. (?!)
Calling an extreme event extreme is an extreme act.
Do we understand the liberal woke twist?
Brilliant!! 🙂
As an individual with a normal set of values (generally accepted by a large majority) , accept it quietly and smile at everything, because there is democracy and everything is possible.
If you do happen to raise your voice, you are an extremist and a homophobe.
And the "cancel cult" comes and erases, silences, invalidates and stigmatizes.
They call for an apology (as we saw in the case of female boxers).
Because you called it by name that the king is naked.
Everyone else applauds that the king has clothes on and how great he looks.
You dare to call him naked!
Because they want to believe, because they want to comply, because they don't want to be excluded or stigmatized?
This is the biggest pitfall and trap of democratic extremism, also known as wokism.
Silence is consent.
The legalization of unnaturalness, the destruction of the sense of identity, the mockery of male and female roles and identity...
And it is not the athletes of undefined gender who are to blame, or the transvestite paraders, they are just tools of this New World Order.
they are also victims, because they are used by their vulnerability and made to believe that all this is normal.
And differentness can be normal. You can accept differentness and the right to be who you want to be.
But there should be a balance, and one side of this agenda (point of view) should not be forced on everyone, as it is the only normativity now, and the original values are the extreme ones.
If there was a balance, and normal values would have a place alongside extremism, and the cancel cult would not censor those who have conservative values.
Silence is equal to acceptance and surrender.
With Legalization.
What should female athletes have done?
To stand united and say No to unsportsmanlike conduct.
What happened instead?
They went in (they accepted that the king was naked because everyone said so)
- because they were afraid of being erased, disabled, as athletes, of being stigmatized and called an extremist.
They apologized for calling the bride's name by name.
I believe that everything happens in our world for a reason and there can be nothing without it that does not serve our development.
So this also happens for a reason.
The question is, what should we learn and recognize from it?
It can be just that spirituality is here or there, we dare to call things by their names and stand up for our convictions,
in addition to what our heart, soul, intuition dictates.
Even if it goes against the "main stream" media,
if they condemn us, they will judge us because of it, they will stigmatize us.
Because that's how we can remain authentic.
We are not denied our own being, our spirit, our beliefs.
Is this the harder way?
It is easier to stand in the crowd and nod to the fact that the king is not naked!
All major changes in the world were achieved by those who dared to go against the grain, who dared to think differently, who dared to stand up for their ideas. Even if it wasn't always right.
Those who dared to point out the obvious, that:
We must recognise that,
The tail wags the dog!
This is the true spiritual path. Everyone has their own individual spiritual path.
Dare to be yourself, even if others don't like it.
Don't be stereotyped, don't be one, just because the majority does it.
Because in the end, it will matter what YOU did, what YOU added to the world.
Also, what did you fail to do?
Turn off the "main stream media" and the hypnotising box, aka TV, it's in the name, tele-vision, full vision.
and try to find your own values, not what others suggest you think about the world.
Dare to be a thinker and reformer.
and then they will be less able to control and influence you.
because if the KING is NAKED, THEN LET'S SEE AT IT IS.
S.N. 💫💫💫