Autumnal Equinox

Relationships are in focus

On September 22nd at 14:43 we will officially enter autumn and on the occasion of the autumnal equinox we will start another half-year astrological cycle until next spring.

At this time of the year, we are settling down, withdrawing into warm rooms, summarises and begins to look inward into the depths of the soul.

Autumn is about harvesting, and winter is about darkening and turning inward. At this time, the nature calms down, falls asleep, and then renews itself in the spring and rise from its hiding place again. At this time, the human soul also sums up everything it has accomplished, and with the onset of colder seasons and darkness, we also tend to take stock and look inward into the depths of the soul.

The ascendant of the space-time moment points to the zodiac sign of Capricorn towards the constellations of Sagittarius and the Serpent's Tail.

Several celestial bodies are located at a certain anaretic degree, or even at the 0th degree, which suggests that a kind of ‘final closing and moving forward’ energies appear in space. Maybe you can feel it.

Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn for the last time and falls into the 1st House of Life, i.e. the focus is on the life path. We are in the last act of the final destroy of our outdated mental program and structures.

This Pluto is also part of a grand trine, which is connected dissocially, and which is created by the involvement of the Sun and the Moon. It is dissocial because the trine aspect exists, but the planets are not in trine signs. In other words, Pluto is in a so-called quincunx with the Moon - it is a karmic aspect - and the Sun is in a square sign, compared to the Moon.

The Dragon aspect mentioned by many astrologer which is one of the defining shapes of the autumn space-time chart, comes out in such a way that two sextile aspects are connected to this grand trine, thereby involving the transcendent planets Pluto - Neptune, Uranus. The first two are well connected by sextile, but the Neptune - Moon sextile already connects square signs. This otherwise spectacularly easy light aspect becomes a bit wobbly.

Dragon shape

It is created by connecting two smaller sextile aspect to the grand trine aspect.

The Sun is on the tail of the Dragon are located at the top of the chart, thus strengthening its central role, namely at the top of the 9th house, at the 0th degree of Libra. Highlighting the superiority, the divine qualities. The Gemini Moon and retrograde Pluto also support this aspiration towards the light, higher realms and spirituality with a supporting aspect.

Since Pluto is trine with the Sun, but they are in square signs, this shows that our old systems can be broken down and transformed, and the transformation of our relationships and their elevation to a higher spirituality can only be achieved if we put work into it to make it happen.

Pluto casts a square on Venus on her last degree of Libra, that means we need to work on our emotional approach towards our relationships. Again, both planets are in anaretic degree, which means that we have to somehow solve those relationships in which we have been stuck until now and have not been able to solve them yet, move on, or raise them to a higher level.

The tense aspect of Venus in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn also shows that it is time to override any emotional connection that made us feel that the energies of giving and receiving were not balanced and as if we were throwing our emotions into a bottomless well, and no reciprocation was coming.

On September 22nd, the Sun entering the sign of Libra officially starts the autumn period.

The Moon is conjunct Sedna, it's time to embrace our emotions and spiritual qualities, instead of becoming a victim.

Let's recognise what other possibilities we have to experience a relationship and situations without these negative feelings.

This position draws our attention to the possibility of free choice of the soul. Don't get carried away either in relationships or in the tasks that are towering in front of you.

The Sun-Neptune opposition, which forms the axis of the Dragon, urges us to step out of the role of victim, to dare to choose something different from what we are used to, to dare to take off our defense mechanisms and masks. Let's connect more to our intuition, to our dreams; for guidance, because they can help us in our development.

let's drop the mask we've been hiding behind

The Dragon shape also supports the development of our inner strength and abilities. Saturn is the ruling planet of the chart in the 2nd house, coming under the rule of Neptune is a particularly important and karmic point of the chart. Everything that meant security, inner values, and material possessions to us is now coming into spotlight, let's see our real operating schemes, how much do we place our faith and security in external things, or how much are we able to rely on our own intuition, abilities, and spirituality?

Now, the overwriting of all our old patterns, our self-improvement efforts serve to rise and, within that, to raise our relationships to a different quality.

Cancer Mars in the 7th house of life highlights our emotional experiences within the relationship, all of which is connected to the ascending Moon Node in Aries with a challenging aspect. It is teaching us to learn how much we are able to honestly express our emotions in our relationships, without games and excessive victim roles. Our forward movement and progress is supported by acting honestly and openly.

The axis of the MC, our future path, points to Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars and Pluto, and strengthens deepening, spiritual experiences, and deep transformations, which we can make the most of through Venusian energy, as love relationship experiences.

So there is plenty to do for the winter period as well, in which the ultimate breakdown of our patterns plays a major role, which will radically change our relationship dynamics.

What situations and emotions do we avoid?

Who can't we relate to more deeply? (this may mean that is no one)

What victimhood roles and games do we drift into again and again?

What is outdated, both in emotional reactions, thought structures, and relational levels, but we still cling to them?

Where was the balance upset in the give-and-take issues?

Do we also have emotional dark holes, relationships, situations that take away our energy and distract us to focus on ourselves?

In which of our relationships is transformation and renewing energy necessary?

What is preventing me from fulfilling myself spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically?


Mabon autumnal equinox 2024


Mabon is a pagan holiday and one of the eight Wiccan sabbaths celebrated throughout the year. Mabon celebrates the autumnal equinox.

Many civilizations celebrated harvest festivals around the equinoxes.

This second harvest and equinox is a time of thanksgiving.

The name Mabon comes from the Welsh god, originally a Celtic holiday, who was the son of the Earth Mother Goddess.

Mabon Celtic Goddess

To celebrate this holiday, the pagans picked apples. Apples are a common symbol of the second harvest. Apples can be used in an apple harvest ritual that gives thanks to the gods for a bountiful harvest.

It was a celebration of Mother Earth, harvest, and thanksgiving according to the old Celtic and pagan customs.

We can perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony in our lives.

Another common ritual is to set up an altar with symbols of the season, such as apples, grapes, and other seasonal harvests.

Wishing everyone a magical Mabon season.

Let's make an altar and thank Mother Earth for everything she provides us with. In this way, we can connect to it and draw stability from it to realize our dreams.

Mabon Harvest

Self-made Mabon Altar






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