Aquarius Full Moon

The liberator

On August 19th, at exactly 8:25 p.m., the Leo Sun opposes the Aquarius Moon, which in everyday language is called the Full Moon.

                             The liberating Aquarius Full Moon

This celestial event is defined by two significant T squares, which highlights it and makes it the most significant day in August, but it can also be the year.

One such position with Saturn square Jupiter is like hitting the gas and the brakes at the same time. Saturn-Jupiter connections always encourage us to be moderate.

Pisces Saturn, the Mystic of the Union, the symbol of complete renunciation, to get out of our roles as victims and the captivity of material and material possessions.

To give up everything, for the sake of Oneness, fulfillment. The concentrated energies of Mars - Jupiter can encourage us to do this now, the possibility of jumping out of situations where we have allowed ourselves to drift and swim with the tide. Where we didn't feel strong enough to stand up for ourselves, and therefore unintentionally always drifted into a victim role.

It can come to the end now (maybe)!

This is reinforced by Venus opposite Saturn, - the conjunction of the asteroid Astraea, Astraea represents the ability to break karma, so now we can break those processes where we are involved in emotional relationships where we have made some kind of sacrifice for ourselves.

Let's ask the question:

what sacrificial patterns have we adopted in our emotional relationships?

With this Full Moon, we can now recognise our games of this kind and put an end to these roles.

Saturn, as one of the planets of Fate and Karma, is on the Ascendant at the moment of the Full Moon, which means that it is time to examine and recognize the issue of martyrdom in our own lives and relationships.

This T square is found in mutable signs, so change, the ability to change, is possible.

Mars-Venus connecting with a tensional aspect to each other.

Disputes, debates, and gender topics related to the topic of female-male identity may still continue at the secular level.

And Jupiter - Mars can mean legal consequences or the forging of political advantages in these topics.

And on an individual level, the roles of feminine and masculine living in us strain against each other and the imbalances are magnified.

Venus and Mars

The energies of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are straining against each other

Venus is on the Descendant, that is, these roles are mostly shown in the mirror of the outside world and our relationships and other connections.

It also has a message where in Soul Mates; and Twin Flames relationships, the topics of taking responsibility rises up or causing tension or disagreement. But the responsibility in these connections is definitely a topic that needs to be solved now.

In what quality and roles do we manifest ourselves to the outside world.

To what extent are male and female energy, yin and yang energy, and our sense of gender identity in harmony with ourselves?

Remember that external situations are always projections of internal imbalances.

What we cannot experience on a physical level will make its way through other subconscious levels.

It manifests itself in excessive passivity or even excessive violence and self-assertion.

The Sun in Leo projects the light of awareness onto Mercury. We can see our subconscious operations, the Sun illuminates Mercury, which is retrograde, so the spotlight is now on inner experiences and self-work.

This is confirmed by the asteroid Vesta, which stands together with the Sun-Mercury in the 6th house, i.e. Vesta, meaning the ability to focus also helps now in the analogies of the house of Virgo; in putting our inner world in order, organizing and clarifying our thought patterns.

This is also helped by the magical aspect radiating from Mars - Jupiter.


Another significant T square of the Full Moon connects the Moon, - Sun and Mercury, - Uranus.

The sensitive Moon in Aquarius takes on an intellectual yet rebellious, independent energy. The desire for freedom, the desire for independence comes to the fore. Along emotional aspects as well. We feel that we want to be emotionally liberated, to become a little more independent.

Aquarian energy

Moon in Aquarius gives you an intellectual but rebellious, independent energy.

This feeling is only strengthened by the square of Uranus, which makes us want to do something about it.

Uranus brings renewal, we can use the energies of the Full Moon for thought renewal, paradigm shift, and reformation.

The Sun rules in Leo can give huge energies to realise them. But this period is suitable not only for renewing our thought patterns, but also for our spiritual and emotional renewal.


Uranus usually brings unexpected, sudden changes. So, both on a worldly and individual level, we can expect unexpected events to happen in the next two weeks, which will advance our intentions of independence and renewal.


Although Sedna is already in the sign of Gemini at 1 degree, it still forms a wide orb with Uranus and thus participates in the T square, asteroid Sedna is a symbol of a girl mutilated by her father, also a symbol of dismemberment and victimisation.

 With the help of the energies of the Full Moon and the unexpected situations generated by Uranus, we may now feel forced to step out of victim roles, even victim roles that span generations and have been taken on ourselves, but this may also include the role of sacrifice undertaken for the sake of our parents.

We can recognise how to draw our boundaries and how to help those in need without becoming victims ourselves.

We were given the opportunity to be released from our vows and oaths made in the past and this life.

If we feel that we cannot get out of certain situations because we made a vow in our previous lives or in the current one that we will always be there for the other person at any cost, even if it involves self-sacrifice, then we can now ask for the annulment of these promises and vows , even through Full Moon meditations. Or just saying it out loud, concentrating on it.


Eris, the Goddess of Feud, is conjunct Kairon, the planet representing our karmic wounds.

Eris, the Goddess of Feud,

who caused strife and later war between the Goddesses with a golden apple

If we look at it on an individual level, it means that our karmic wounds may arise from rivalry and strife. Such external circumstances, violent circumstances, war, strife, natural disasters, because of which we were unable to change, to get out of stuck situations, because of our external circumstances, so we rather compromised and remained in unworthy situations.

We had to make a sacrifice or become a victim.

These karmic wounds are now holding us back from really daring to change and get out of stagnant, outdated situations.

This conjunction is in the 1st house, we have just come to a crossroads where the two tense T squares and the Full Moon theme activate these situations, forcing us to look at and take action on how we can step out, move on from our victim roles and from our stuck situations. If we go into passivity, we have to face these topics as a result of unexpected events from outside.

The ascending Moon node is also in the 1st house, Aries, which means that we learn self-reliance, the "stand up for ourselves" mentality, courage and honesty as a dharma to be solved.


The Sun-Mercury-Vesta combo casts a trine on the Mc, which means that a review of our subconscious programs and our past can help us as a solution to be able to move forward into a higher, divine quality, Sagittarius Midheaven.

I wish all readers a special Full Moon period rich in essential and profound realisations.

I'll be back soon with the forecast for September!


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